Monday, January 26, 2009

West Side Location Opening Up Soon, Ladies.

NYC Adventure Boot Camp Opens New Central Park West Location
Due to popular demand in New York City, NYC Adventure Boot Camp has opened a new location on the West Side of Central Park.

Stacy Papakostas, owner of New York City Adventure Boot Camp, an authorized Adventure Boot Camp, opens a new location on the West Side of Central Park to accommodate the needs of her enthusiastic campers.

The members and friends of NYC Adventure Boot Camp have been requesting
the new location for months and now the first camp will start on
February 9 through March 13, 2009.

The first camp in February will be at an Indoor location to accommodate for the cold weather.

Campers are already signing up and filling up the available spots for this new camp location. New campers are encouraged to sign up now before the class is full.

Camp costs are still as low as $309 for a month of Boot Camp classes. Campers may choose from 3 Day and 5 Day a Week options, as their schedule may permit.

The new West Side camps will start at 5:30 am and end at 6:30 am. A full hour of workout. Don't be surprised if you see a 3-5% reduction in your body fat over the four weeks!

NYC Adventure Boot Camp is a four week outdoor fitness program that offers fitness instruction, nutritional counseling and motivational training - packed with fun and energizing activities designed to help you reach your fitness goals. Whether you want to lose weight to fit into that special dress, shed the extra pounds from a pregnancy or just get fit before that special occasion, this is the program for you!

Stacy has been an ECITS Certified Personal Trainer for over 8 years in Miami as well as New York City. She currently works at the New York Health and Racquet Club in mid-town Manhattan developing a following of personal clients. Stacy currently holds certifications in Functional Body Weight Training, Sport Specific Exercise, Boxing and Kickboxing. She is committed to a lifetime of continuing education in the field of health and wellness. Her unique approach gives women the edge on self-defense techniques in addition to weight loss coaching and nutrition counseling. Her program is designed for each woman to effectively maximize time and effort, ie- less time, more results! The foundation of Stacy’s practice as a fitness professional is built on encouraging positive thinking to boost self-esteem and a healthy body image.

Stacy Papakostas
(212) 426-4871

Monday, January 19, 2009

Got Muscle Confusion?

A question that I am often asked by frustrated fitness enthusiasts is "Why have my results stopped? I am doing the same routine as before - what happened?"

This is a common place to end up, usually a few months after starting a new exercise routine. At first your body responds to your routine in lost pounds and gained muscle tone, then one day your results screech to a stop.

What happened? And, more importantly, what can you do about it?

You may have heard the saying, "When you discover that you are riding a dead horse, the best idea is to get off." This is the perfect analogy for your stale workout routine.
·The problem: Your body has adapted to your routine. Let's face it, when you can do your workout routine in your sleep it's time for something new.
·The Solution: It's time to shake things up, and to apply the concept of muscle confusion. Muscle confusion means that you keep your body guessing by changing your routine.

The following are great ways to do just that:

1.Exercises: When you know that your routine has lost its effectiveness the first obvious thing to change are the actual exercises. It is important to include every major muscle group in your routine, so be sure to exchange each exercise for one that works the same muscle group.

2.Resistance: Do you find yourself always reaching for the same dumbbells or placing the pin in the same notch of the weight stack? Change your weight as well as the number of repetitions performed. If you normally do 12-15 repetitions then increase the weight and do 6-8. The key is to challenge your muscles in a new way.

3.Equipment: There are so many different pieces of exercise equipment out there—don't limit your routine to just one type. If you love working with dumbbells but your routine has fallen flat, put them aside and try something new. A little creativity can really jump start your progress.

4.Style: So often the training style that we are first taught sticks with us forever. For you this may be the style of doing one set, taking a rest period, and then doing another set. Or maybe you have caught on to the circuit training style that keeps your heart rate elevated throughout the routine. Whatever your chosen style, be sure to change it once your routine ceases to produce results.
Now, don't worry, this doesn't mean that you need a brand new workout every day of the week. In fact, your body will take some time to adjust to each new workout, so it should be done for the appropriate amount of time before results start to slack off.

What is that ‘sweet spot' of time that each new routine should be used before moving on to the next? Well, the answer to that question is as unique as each person reading this.

For some this will mean a new routine every 3 weeks, and for others it will mean a new routine every 8 weeks. Typically the fitter you are the quicker your body will adapt to each new routine.

Muscle confusion plays a big part of the programs that I provide for my clients and it's one of the little secrets I use to deliver fast results.

Want to know more? Contact me today to get started on your own program aimed at weight loss success.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Can You Change in a Single Moment?

Change is a curious thing. In most areas of life you dread it, yet in others you pine for it.

You're told that change is hard, that it takes time. You're also told that change is the most consistent thing that you'll encounter. You wonder how to make lasting changes that will improve your life.

I'm here to argue that change can happen in an instant.

I know this goes against mainstream belief. Most people believe that change has to be worked at for months or even years. We expect to try and fail numerous times before we ultimately give up or succeed.

Think about it-how many people do you know who struggle with their weight? They want to make a healthy change by getting in shape, but the change never seems to take hold.

Is there something in your life that you want to change? Do you have weight to lose? Do you have high blood pressure? Do you have a pair or pants that you wish you could fit into?

What is preventing you from making a positive change in your life?

According to professional speaker and author, Anthony Robbins, it's the getting ready to change that takes times. In the end there's an instant when the change occurs. Robbins goes on to outline three specific beliefs that you must have in order to instantly create a lasting change.

Belief #1: Something must change.
Do you kind of want to get into shape or do you absolutely have to lose the weight? Does dropping a few pounds sound nice or is living another day in your current body simply out of the question? In order to make a lasting change you must be convinced that the time is right.

Belief #2: I must change it.
It is vital that you take full responsibility in making the change. Sure, others may assist you, but in the end you are the one who is going to make it happen. You have to want this change enough to make it your personal mission-no one else will do it for you.

Belief #3: I can change it.
Don't let past failures get in your way. The truth is that you can do amazing things when you put your mind to it. Believe that you are capable of losing weight or making any other positive change in your life.

Why do most people fail to make lasting change? They leave it up to willpower. This works for awhile, but you'll always revert back to what's comfortable. The solution?

Change what you're comfortable with.

You've probably heard that humans are motivated by two things: 1) to avoid pain and 2) to gain pleasure. When you want to change a behavior pattern the key is to associate pain with the behavior that you don't want and pleasure with the behavior that you do want.

You know that you want to lose weight and that to do so you need to quit eating comfort food late at night. You also know that you need to start exercising on a regular basis. Up until this point your brain is trained to associate pleasure with eating comfort food late at night and to associate pain with exercise.

It's time to retrain your brain to feel good about exercise and to feel bad about eating late at night. Think about all of the negative things about being overweight and connect these unpleasant thoughts to your late night snack. Now think about all of the wonderful things about being in shape and connect these pleasant thoughts to exercise.

You are capable of making a big change in your life. Start by contacting me for your no obligation fitness consultation.

Remember, change can happen in an instant.
Why Aren’t You Motivated?
A good dose of motivation can change your life almost overnight.

The best part of my job is seeing clients achieve amazing results. Whether they drop a few sizes, lose the baby weight, get off their blood pressure meds, or shrink their waist the excitement is always contagious.

There really isn't a clear way to describe the euphoria that settles in once you've realized your fitness goal. You have to experience it.

Though each successful client is unique with different goals one element unites them.

They are all highly motivated.

You see, I am in a unique position. I know how to get you (or anyone else who walks through my door) into great shape. I can coach you through a 50 pound weight loss. I can guide you to a healthier body. I can even train you into a toned athlete.

But there is one catch.

You'll need to be motivated.

See, saying that you want to get into great shape isn't enough. You need motivation-and that's just half of the equation. The other part (and the most important) is ACTION.

Nothing happens until you take action.

You can want it, think about it, mull it over, ponder it, plan it, and then re-plan it. But nothing happens until you take action.

While I may not know your story-it's probably safe to assume that you are dissatisfied with your body and know that you can improve your fitness level. You want to look better, to have more energy, to experience fewer aches and pains, and to enjoy sweet satisfaction as you achieve your goals once and for all.

I know that all of my successful clients were once in your shoes. They wanted to change their bodies. They felt urgency. And then they did what most fail to do. They took action and contacted me.

But there is more to it than that. They then committed to a program, put in the exercise, stuck to their diet and met their goals. There's nothing more gratifying than getting back into those jeans that now sit in the back of your closet.

Those that take massive action get massive rewards. And those that simply talk about losing weight will continue to put weight on, pound after pound. I hate to put that way, but it's the truth.

So what do you want?

To drop 20 pounds

To feel younger

To look better in your birthday suit

How bad do you want it? How much motivation do you have? Enough to take MASSIVE ACTION?

The rewards are great IF you do.

I'm always available to help – call or reply to this email to set up your free consultation.

Visit or call 212-426-4871.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Small changes make a big difference

How many times have you told yourself that you need to lose weight?

I'm not talking about a couple pounds either – I'm talking about 20 or more pounds of extra fat that you'd like to see disappear.

I've come to notice a trend. Most people psyche themselves out before they ever start losing the weight. It's as if the enormity of their goal simply puts them into shut down mode, and they give up on the idea entirely.

Has this ever happened to you? You try out a diet or exercise plan for a week or so, and then you get frustrated when your body looks the same as before. So you give up.

Weight loss isn't a speedy thing. It takes time to gain weight – many people put on weight for years and then expect to lose it in a few weeks or months. It doesn't work that way.

So instead of pressuring yourself into losing 50 pounds in two months, how about sticking with a realistic, proven way for long term weight loss: Small changes to your lifestyle over time will make the difference.

In practical terms, make it your goal to drop one pound a week.

Now, this may not seem like that much, but if you did this consistently for one year it would result in 50 lbs lost. All it takes are small changes in your daily lifestyle. Let's break the process down...

How to shed a pound a week: Burn 3500 extra calories.

It really is that simple. Try the following three steps:

  1. Record your normal weekly exercise – look at everything from walking to participating in sports to exercising in the gym. This is your starting point. You need to burn an additional 3500 calories on top of your normal weekly exercise. If you don't currently exercise, then this step is really easy for you, a simple blank page will do.
  2. Record your normal weekly food intake – this may be hard to do honestly, but remember that you are only cheating yourself by not recording everything. Calculate the total number of calories that you eat in an average day. In your quest for dropping inches you shouldn't exceed your normal daily caloric intake – you should, rather, work at slowly decreasing that number. Remember, we are going for a 3500 calorie deficit each week – this can be done by a combination of increased calorie exertion (exercise) as well as a decrease in calories consumed (eating less).
  3. Chart the difference - now that you know your starting point for both calorie exertion and calorie intake it is time to turn the tables in your favor. Take every opportunity to exert more calories by increasing your physical activity, and to decrease your calorie consumption by eating fewer calories and by making healthier selections. Record your progress in a notebook and refer back to it often. You will be surprised how encouraging it is to see your progress written down on paper.

Remember, if you burn up 500 calories a day you will drop a pound in a week.

Here are some practical ways to lose calories:

If you normally... Do this instead...
Drink regular soda Drink water or diet soda (160 calories lost)
Eat a snack from a vending machine Enjoy an apple (180 calories lost)
Hit the snooze button
in the AM
Jog for 30 minutes before work (150 calories lost)
Skip your workout See me for an invigorating workout (changes your life!)

Weight loss doesn't have to be allusive. Make small changes each and every day toward a healthier, fitter you. Remember that small changes make a big difference.

I'm always available to help – call or reply to this email to set up your free consultation.

Visit or call 212-426-4871.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

5 Signs That You're Doing it Right

Ever wonder just how effective your workout routine really is?

Maybe you saw great results when you first started to exercise, but now those results have come to a screeching halt.

Want to know why?

If the following 5 statements accurately describe your exercise routine, then fear not-you're doing it right. However, if the following 5 statements don't describe your exercise routine then listen up-there's no better time than now to rev up your routine.

1. You Make the Most of Each Move: Gone are the days when workouts lasted more than an hour and you had time to single out each muscle individually. These days time is of the essence, and compound movements deliver excellent results in less time than ever before.

Not sure if your routine includes compound movements? Any exercise that uses two or more joints is considered to be a compound movement. Squats and lunges are great examples. If you want to pack even more benefit into each move then try adding a shoulder press with your squats and a bicep curl with your lunges.

2. You Keep it Intense: Let's be honest, at one time or another you've spent time in the gym 'exercising' without ever breaking a sweat. Maybe you drifted from one machine to the next or joined an aerobics class for a few minutes, but the bottom line was that your heart wasn't into it.

Workouts that lack intensity are practically a waste of time. Your body craves a challenge, and you see the most results when you keep your intensity high. Keep your workouts concise and push yourself with each exercise.

3. You're Consistent: Anyone can have one great workout, but one workout won't translate into killer results-only consistency will do that for you. Exercise must be a part of your daily routine, plain and simple.

One of the best ways to stay consistent with your routine is to do your workout at the same time everyday. We are creatures of habit, so once your exercise schedule has been firmly set you'll find the process to be automatic, rather than an occasional afterthought.

4. You Seek a Challenge: Just like hairstyles, exercise routines quickly become outdated. That is why the best routines are dynamic, and the worst routines never change. How do you know when your routine needs to be updated?

You'll know how effective your routine is by the results, or lack there of, that you experience. If you feel that you are simply going through the motions then stop wondering about the effectiveness of your routine and start doing something new.

5. You're Having a Blast: Do you dread the very thought of going for a jog, but force yourself to do it simply because you've no other ideas for exercise? Stop right there. Exercise is an enjoyable activity, especially when you find the form that is best suited for your personal preferences.

If you don't like exercise there is a good chance that your technique needs help. I pride myself in showing my clients the fun side of exercise-yes, exercise is fun!

If your routine includes all of the above then congratulations – you are doing it right. You're consistent, you challenge yourself and you're seeing results. However, if your routine doesn't include the above, you now have the blueprints to do it right.

Want a routine that incorporates everything you need to reach your fitness goals? Call or email today to set up a consultation and I'll show you how to get amazing results in less time than you think.

Visit or call 212-426-4871.