Change is a curious thing. In most areas of life you dread it, yet in others you pine for it.
You're told that change is hard, that it takes time. You're also told that change is the most consistent thing that you'll encounter. You wonder how to make lasting changes that will improve your life.
I'm here to argue that change can happen in an instant.
I know this goes against mainstream belief. Most people believe that change has to be worked at for months or even years. We expect to try and fail numerous times before we ultimately give up or succeed.
Think about it-how many people do you know who struggle with their weight? They want to make a healthy change by getting in shape, but the change never seems to take hold.
Is there something in your life that you want to change? Do you have weight to lose? Do you have high blood pressure? Do you have a pair or pants that you wish you could fit into?
What is preventing you from making a positive change in your life?
According to professional speaker and author, Anthony Robbins, it's the getting ready to change that takes times. In the end there's an instant when the change occurs. Robbins goes on to outline three specific beliefs that you must have in order to instantly create a lasting change.
Belief #1: Something must change.
Do you kind of want to get into shape or do you absolutely have to lose the weight? Does dropping a few pounds sound nice or is living another day in your current body simply out of the question? In order to make a lasting change you must be convinced that the time is right.
Belief #2: I must change it.
It is vital that you take full responsibility in making the change. Sure, others may assist you, but in the end you are the one who is going to make it happen. You have to want this change enough to make it your personal mission-no one else will do it for you.
Belief #3: I can change it.
Don't let past failures get in your way. The truth is that you can do amazing things when you put your mind to it. Believe that you are capable of losing weight or making any other positive change in your life.
Why do most people fail to make lasting change? They leave it up to willpower. This works for awhile, but you'll always revert back to what's comfortable. The solution?
Change what you're comfortable with.
You've probably heard that humans are motivated by two things: 1) to avoid pain and 2) to gain pleasure. When you want to change a behavior pattern the key is to associate pain with the behavior that you don't want and pleasure with the behavior that you do want.
You know that you want to lose weight and that to do so you need to quit eating comfort food late at night. You also know that you need to start exercising on a regular basis. Up until this point your brain is trained to associate pleasure with eating comfort food late at night and to associate pain with exercise.
It's time to retrain your brain to feel good about exercise and to feel bad about eating late at night. Think about all of the negative things about being overweight and connect these unpleasant thoughts to your late night snack. Now think about all of the wonderful things about being in shape and connect these pleasant thoughts to exercise.
You are capable of making a big change in your life. Start by contacting me for your no obligation fitness consultation.
Remember, change can happen in an instant.
Why Aren’t You Motivated?
A good dose of motivation can change your life almost overnight.
The best part of my job is seeing clients achieve amazing results. Whether they drop a few sizes, lose the baby weight, get off their blood pressure meds, or shrink their waist the excitement is always contagious.
There really isn't a clear way to describe the euphoria that settles in once you've realized your fitness goal. You have to experience it.
Though each successful client is unique with different goals one element unites them.
They are all highly motivated.
You see, I am in a unique position. I know how to get you (or anyone else who walks through my door) into great shape. I can coach you through a 50 pound weight loss. I can guide you to a healthier body. I can even train you into a toned athlete.
But there is one catch.
You'll need to be motivated.
See, saying that you want to get into great shape isn't enough. You need motivation-and that's just half of the equation. The other part (and the most important) is ACTION.
Nothing happens until you take action.
You can want it, think about it, mull it over, ponder it, plan it, and then re-plan it. But nothing happens until you take action.
While I may not know your story-it's probably safe to assume that you are dissatisfied with your body and know that you can improve your fitness level. You want to look better, to have more energy, to experience fewer aches and pains, and to enjoy sweet satisfaction as you achieve your goals once and for all.
I know that all of my successful clients were once in your shoes. They wanted to change their bodies. They felt urgency. And then they did what most fail to do. They took action and contacted me.
But there is more to it than that. They then committed to a program, put in the exercise, stuck to their diet and met their goals. There's nothing more gratifying than getting back into those jeans that now sit in the back of your closet.
Those that take massive action get massive rewards. And those that simply talk about losing weight will continue to put weight on, pound after pound. I hate to put that way, but it's the truth.
So what do you want?
To drop 20 pounds
To feel younger
To look better in your birthday suit
How bad do you want it? How much motivation do you have? Enough to take MASSIVE ACTION?
The rewards are great IF you do.
I'm always available to help – call or reply to this email to set up your free consultation.
Visit or call 212-426-4871.