Monday, June 29, 2009

Setting Fitness and Health Goals

When most people start a new exercise program, they have an idea of what they want to accomplish. People start exercising for plenty of different reasons, from wanting to improve their overall health to meeting a specific goal. Knowing what you want to accomplish through your fitness routine can help you focus on your goal and have something to work towards. A great way to focus on what you want to achieve is to work with Stacy Papakostas, who can assess your current strengths and weaknesses and help you reach your goal. In this article, we’ll take a look at three tips to remember when setting your fitness goals.

Here at NYC Adventure Fitness & Gemini Adventure Fitness we are big on the three C’s- COMMITMENT, CONTROL & CONSISTENCY! Make the first step and Commit and we will gladly guide you through the rest. Whatever your health and fitness concerns are, we are confident that we can help you achieve your goals! If you are interested in speaking with a personal trainer, please sign up for a free consultation. We can discuss your goals and see if we are a good match. What are you waiting for?

Be Realistic
“I want to lose twenty pounds before my high school reunion next month.” Unfortunately, setting a goal like this can be a recipe for failure. Sure, it can be done, but it will require a strict commitment to healthy eating and exercise every day for the next thirty days, and this could be asking too much of yourself. And then, what happens after the reunion? Will you set a new goal or go back to your bad habits?

Being realistic about the goals you want to reach and the time in which you want to achieve them is a big part of planning for success. Only having the one big goal at the end can make the path very difficult to follow, so try setting incremental goals along the way, and don’t be afraid to reward yourself when you’ve reached a smaller goal, like treating yourself to a session at the spa or that hunting trip you’ve been putting off. With the help of Stacy Papakostas, you can finally be consistent with your efforts, and be motivated to continue with your program!

Keep a Record
If you’re meeting with Stacy Papakostas two or three times a week, chances are that she is keeping a record of your progress, but if you’re meeting your personal trainer less frequently, you might see the benefits of keeping your own records. Don’t plan too far in advance, as you can’t predict how your body will improve over the long run, but try to plan in increments of eight weeks, by noting what you think you should be doing and then what you actually did. Stacy can help you can also keep track of your measurements, weight (although weighing yourself is not always a reliable method of measuring the amount of fat in your body), or your BMI.

Don’t be Afraid to Make New Goals
How many people do you know that are still trying to get off that last five pounds? It’s true, the closer you get to your goal, the harder it is to achieve it. But this isn’t just true of weight loss goals; whether your goal is to run a marathon or to be able to lift a certain amount of weight, our bodies tend to plateau and it can be difficult to push through to the next goal. Don’t beat yourself up if you’ve gotten to a place that seems insurmountable. It’s ok to move the flag back a little, if it helps you to push on. This is also a great time to evaluate where you are and if your goal is attainable. Talk with Stacy Papakostas, and make a new goal to help you continue on your path!

Stacy Papakostas has been an ECITS Certified Personal Trainer for over 8 years in Miami as well as New York City. She worked at the New York Health and Racquet Club in mid-town Manhattan developing a following of personal clients. Stacy currently holds certifications in Functional Body Weight Training, Sport Specific Exercise, Boxing and Kickboxing. She is committed to a lifetime of continuing education in the field of health and wellness. Her unique approach gives women the edge on self-defense techniques in addition to weight loss coaching and nutrition counseling. The foundation of Stacy’s practice as a fitness professional is built on encouraging positive thinking to boost self-esteem and a healthy body image.Contact Stacy Papakostas at (212) 426-4871 and please visit our website:

Monday, June 8, 2009

NYC Adventure Boot Camp and Gemini Adventure Fitness, Helps You Get Back on Track!

You’ve been committed to changing your lifestyle for months now by eating better and exercising regularly. Suddenly, an opportunity to forget your diet for a few hours appears. In a moment of weakness, you indulge in a pint of your favorite ice cream (it was on sale!) or an evening of pizza and beer with your friends (but I don’t get to see them very often!). Don’t beat yourself up! You can get past this and move on with the help of Manhattan fitness trainers. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to recover from diet slip-ups: forgive yourself, get back on track, and don’t overcompensate.

Here at NYC Adventure Boot Camp and Gemini Adventure Fitness we are big on the three C’s- COMMITMENT, CONTROL & CONSISTENCY! Make the first step and Commit and we will gladly guide you through the rest. Whatever your health and fitness concerns are, we are confident that we can help you achieve your goals! If you are interested in speaking with a personal trainer, please sign up for a free consultation. We can discuss your goals and see if we are a good match. What are you waiting for?

Forgive yourself
It’s inevitable that all of us are going to meet temptation along the road of reaching our fitness goals. If you give in, it doesn’t mean that the goal is lost forever! The first step in recovering from a diet slip-up is to simply forgive yourself. Acknowledge the fact that what you consumed isn’t going to help you reach your goals, and then write it off. It’s not worth the energy to feel guilty or upset, or in the worst case, purge what you’ve eaten. This is a dangerous road to walk down and can lead to permanent health problems. You ate it, it’s in the past, acknowledge and move on!

Get back on track
The most important part of recovering from a diet slip-up is getting back on track. Just because you’ve eaten a big dinner and desert doesn’t mean that the diet’s over! Many of us use this event to excuse ourselves from continuing on our fitness paths. “Well, that’s it, it’s over, I’ll start again next month.” No! Get right back up on the horse the next day; follow your fitness routine just like the slip-up never happened. This is important no matter where you are on the path to better fitness. If it happens soon after you’ve started your fitness routine, it’s more tempting to quit because you haven’t invested too much time into it. You may want to contact Stacy Papakostas to help keep you motivated and on track!

Never overcompensate
“I had a huge dinner last night, so to make up for it, I’m just going to skip lunch tomorrow.” No! Once again, you need to get back on the right track and continue as if the slip-up never happened. It’s tempting to think that the calories you’ve consumed can be “evened out” by consuming fewer calories the next day, but unfortunately our bodies don’t work like that. The calories that you consumed last night have already been absorbed, and you need a minimum amount of calories everyday so your body will work at its best, so skipping a meal the next day won’t do you any favors.

Just like you shouldn’t overcompensate with your meals, you shouldn't overcompensate in your fitness trainers program, either. If you’re already following a balanced fitness trainers program, adding on to it can only push your body past its limits, which can leave you feeling sore, tired, and even cause injury.

NYC Adventure Boot Camp is a four week fitness program that offers fitness instruction, nutritional counseling and motivational training - packed with fun and energizing activities designed to help you reach your fitness goals. Whether you want to lose weight to fit into that special dress, shed the extra pounds from a pregnancy or just get fit before that special occasion, this is the program for you!

Stacy Papakostas also presents a two-week fitness boxing program that offers fitness instruction, nutritional counseling and motivational training - packed with fun and energizing activities designed to help you reach your fitness goals. Contact Stacy Papakostas 212-426-4871.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Balance in Your Fitness Program

For those that are only at the beginning of their path to better fitness with Gemini Adventure Fitness, the word “exercise” conjures up the image of endless hours running or pumping away on a stationary bike. While these exercises certainly have their merits, they are only a part of a balanced fitness program that incorporates several different disciplines.
Varying your fitness routine with elements of flexibility, cardio training and strength training will not only help you optimize the results but will also help keep you from being bored. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at these three important elements and how to get help in making your routine a balanced one.

Here at Gemini Adventure Fitness and NYC Adventure Boot Camp we are big on the three C’s- COMMITMENT, CONTROL & CONSISTENCY! Make the first step and Commit and we will gladly guide you through the rest. Whatever your health and fitness concerns are, we are confident that we can help you achieve your goals! If you are interested in speaking with a personal trainer, please sign up for a free consultation. We can discuss your goals and see if we are a good match. What are you waiting for?

Cardio Training
Cardio training is often considered to be the cornerstone of any balanced workout. Any movement that gets our hearts pumping can be considered cardio training, from riding a bicycle to doing aerobics. The benefits of cardio is that they make the heart stronger, help burn fat and raise the metabolism so that you’re better able to burn up calories. Experts vary in their opinions of how often we should have cardio training, but most agree that about thirty minutes most days of the week is excellent, even if it’s cut up in ten minute increments. The most important part is getting the heart beating at your target heart rate for extended periods of time.

Strength Training
Strength training is an equally important part of a balanced fitness routine. Remember how cardio training helps raise the metabolism? Well, strength training can help in this area by keeping your muscle mass at a healthy rate. And if your goal is to lose weight, strength training in conjunction with cardio training is the best way to go, because the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you’ll burn over the course of a day. Not only will you be improving your muscles, but also your bones and joints.

Flexibility Training
Flexibility is also an important part of a balanced fitness in Manhattan program, whether it is simply a stretching routine at the beginning or end of a workout or a fuller experience such as yoga. Tired muscles are usually tight and restricted, and stretching can help to increase their flexibility and relieve tension. The benefits of including flexibility training in your fitness program are many, including better posture, protecting the joints and possibly avoiding injury, and even helping to prevent lower back pain.

How To Achieve Fitness with Stacy Papakostas
Newcomers to exercise might be scratching their heads and saying to themselves, “Okay, I know these things are important, but how do I find the right balance for me?” It’s true, everyone is different and your needs might be drastically different from someone else’s. A great place to start is to consult a professional of fitness in Manhattan. If you are looking for fitness, a personal trainer is ideal for newcomers and experts alike, because they are able to do a full assessment of your needs, medical concerns and goals and help you reach them in a balanced, safe way.

Stacy Papakostas has been an ECITS Certified Personal Trainer for over 8 years in Miami as well as New York City. She worked at the New York Health and Racquet Club in mid-town Manhattan developing a following of personal clients. Stacy currently holds certifications in Functional Body Weight Training, Sport Specific Exercise, Boxing and Kickboxing. She is committed to a lifetime of continuing education in the field of health and wellness. Her unique approach gives women the edge on self-defense techniques in addition to weight loss coaching and nutrition counseling. The foundation of Stacy’s practice as a fitness professional is built on encouraging positive thinking to boost self-esteem and a healthy body image.Contact Stacy Papakostas at (212) 426-4871

Stacy runs a 2-week fitness boxing intensive that proves fast results. And for those who are seeking a well balanced workout, Stacy also holds a 4-week fitness boot camp.


Friday, May 29, 2009

Does the word excercise cause you to cringe?

If so, you are not alone! It is estimated that 75% of Americans get less than the recommended amount of exercise. Not only is exercise important for good health, it is also crucial when it comes to weight control. While you can lose weight without exercise, it is very difficult to keep the weight off without being physically active.

Here are some of the benefits of exercise:

  • Reduced risk of heart disease.

  • Improved blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

  • Improved heart functionReduced risk of osteoporosis.

  • Improved muscle mass (this is important for those people on a weight loss diet!)

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Improves blood sugar control in diabetics.

  • Aides in stress managementEnhanced self-confidence and self-imageHelps to speed the metabolism.

How much exercise should you be doing?

The basic recommendations from American College of Sports Medicine and American Heart Association for healthy adults under age 65 are: Do moderately intense cardio 30 minutes a day, five days a week Or Do vigorously intense cardio 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week And Do 8 to 10 strength-training exercises, 8 to 12 repetitions of each exercise twice a week. Moderate-intensity physical activity means working hard enough to raise your heart rate and break a sweat, yet still being able to carry on a conversation. It should be noted that to lose weight or maintain weight loss, 60 to 90 minutes of physical activity may be necessary. The 30-minute recommendation is for the average healthy adult to maintain health and reduce the risk for chronic disease.

Tips for incorporating exercise into your life.

I'm sure most of you city girls have very busy lives with work, family, social obligations, dating, etc. I bet the above recommendations can sound almost impossible. If you are trying to lose weight, do you really have 60 - 90 minutes a day 5 times a week to spend exercising?

Just tell your boss that you'll be needing 90 minutes each day to spend at the gym. I'm sure you will receive a lot of support (wrong!). So how can you increase your activity levels in a realistic manner?

1. Start by setting realistic goals, otherwise you'll feel overwhelmed and will only set yourself up for failure. If your current activity level is very low, your goal should be to increase it slowly. Maybe start out by walking 3 times a week for 20 minutes. Or get off the bus one stop earlier. Do not go to the gym telling yourself you will need to be on the treadmill for 60-90 minutes. You know what will happen ... you won't even go! Start with 15 minutes.Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car in the far end of the shopping market parking lot. It all adds up - 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there.

2. Do it in short bouts. Research shows that moderate-intensity physical activity can be accumulated throughout the day in 10-minute bouts, which can be just as effective as exercising for 30 minutes straight. This can be useful when trying to fit physical activity into a busy schedule. So walk 10 minutes to work, walk an extra 15 blocks on the way to get your salad at lunch, take a 15 minute walk after dinner.Try to walk at a good pace.

3. Mix it up. Combinations of moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity can be used to meet the guidelines. For example, you can walk briskly for 30 minutes twice per week and jog at a higher intensity on two other days. This also helps to prevent boredom as well as injury. Take a spinning class one day and a brisk walk on your lunch hour the other day if you don't have time to get to the gym.

4. The gym isn't a necessity. It doesn't take an expensive gym membership to get the daily recommended amount of physical activity. A pair of athletic shoes and a little motivation are all you need to live a more active, healthier life. Just get out and walk! However if you do go to a gym, take advantage of the different machines and classes. Try a spinning class, a kickbox class or a body conditioning class. Yoga and pilates classes are great for toning and stretching, however they don't really count as aerobic exercise.

5. Put your exercise into your daily planner just like another appointment. Maybe it's easier for you to walk during your lunch hour, or perhaps hitting the pavement right after dinner is best for you. The key is to set aside specific days and times for exercise, making it just as much a regular part of your schedule as everything else.

6. Get your family and friends involved. Take your spouse, your children, or a friend with you during exercise to add some fun to your routine. This is also a good way to encourage your kids to be physically active and get them committed early to a lifetime of health.Many of the above recommendations came from this link (ACSM)

Set some goals for this week:

1. How many times a week are you exercising on a daily basis?

2. If you are trying to lose weight, your ideal goal is at least 5 times a week for 60 minutes.

3. Think about several ways you can increase your activity and write these thoughts down.

4. Set specific goals, such as:-I will walk for 30 minutes on my lunch hour on Monday and Wednesday with my co-worker Mary-I will walk 30 minutes after dinner twice a week with my husband-I will take a kickbox class at my gym every Wednesday-I will walk Jack (my dog) briskly every day for 15 extra minutes.

Stacy PapakostasAdventure Boot Camp for Women


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Miracle Cure for Bad Habits: Excercise with NYC Adventure Boot Camp!

Even for those who go to boot camp, bad habits are hard to break and good habits are generally ignored. Fortunately, there is a way to use a good habit—exercise—to replace several old ones.

Trading one life improving good habit for many of your old sounds good, now, doesn't it?

Here at ABC Adventure Boot Camp we are big on the three C’s- COMMITMENT, CONTROL & CONSISTENCY! Make the first step and Commit and we will gladly guide you through the rest. Whatever your health and fitness concerns are, we are confident that we can help you achieve your goals! If you are interested in speaking with a personal trainer, please sign up for a free consultation. We can discuss your goals and see if we are a good match. What are you waiting for?

Balancing Life With Exercise
Experts agree that the most effective way we as humans can change bad habits is to replace or override them with a good habit. In fact, without replacing a bad habit with a good one, a void is left where bad habits tend to creep back in. Exercise with NYC Adventure Boot Camp is the ideal replacement for many bad habits because it not only acts as its own reward system but it also takes the emphasis away from more harmful habits. The time you spend exercising takes time and attention away from bad habits and by default decreases them without consciously trying; let's take a look at a few examples:

By scheduling time for exercise, you are making a priority of you. This gives you time to reflect and de-stress as you improve overall health and ultimately self-image.

Exercise naturally helps control blood chemicals and hormones, which results in better mood and appetite control, along with lending numerous health benefits.

The time spent exercising is time that is not spent overindulging in food, sitting and being inactive, or taking part in a harmful bad habit like smoking. (Incidentally, studies have shown that just five minutes of exercise can decrease cravings and nicotine withdrawal symptoms).
Regular exercise requires self-discipline; self-discipline in anything generalizes and translates into increased self-discipline in another.

Exercise works as a refocusing agent; rather than dwell on your yearning to fall back into that bad habit, you become distracted by your exercise efforts.

Exercise is both its own reward and an effort worth rewarding. Humans thrive on rewards and positive reinforcement, so the rewards of exercise and the subsequent allowable rewards further promote the demise of bad habits.
Exercise with boot camp in Manhattan makes you feel better all around. Very simply, when you feel better you are more prepared to face difficult tasks (like breaking bad habits).

Enlisting Help
As mentioned, bad habits do not break easily; enlisting the support of friends and professionals, and pairing that with regular sessions at a gym can be of great help. The environment at boot camp is social (if you want it to be) and active. The atmosphere of like-minded success, particularly when paired with the attention and support of a personal trainer and/or exercise buddy, increases your chances of keeping the exercise habit and using it as a healthy, effective alternative to the bad habits you've longed to replace. And when it comes to a task as paramount as staying motivated to break bad habits, you can always use all the help you can get.

Stacy Papakostas has been an ECITS Certified Personal Trainer for over 8 years in Miami as well as New York City. She worked at the New York Health and Racquet Club in mid-town Manhattan developing a following of personal clients. Stacy currently holds certifications in Functional Body Weight Training, Sport Specific Exercise, Boxing and Kickboxing. She is committed to a lifetime of continuing education in the field of health and wellness. Her unique approach gives women the edge on self-defense techniques in addition to weight loss coaching and nutrition counseling. The foundation of Stacy’s practice as a fitness professional is built on encouraging positive thinking to boost self-esteem and a healthy body image.

Contact Stacy Papakostas at (212) 426-4871 and for our latest schedule please visit our website:

Stacy Papakostas presents a two-week fitness boxing program that offers fitness instruction, nutritional counseling and motivational training - packed with fun and energizing activities designed to help you reach your fitness goals.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Why Water is Crucial to Your Health

At NYC Adventure Boot camp we know that as many as seventy-five percent of Americans aren’t drinking enough water. As most of us learned in school, our bodies are made up of nearly seventy percent water, so doesn’t it seem natural that we need to stock up on this most important element? In this article, we’ll learn why staying hydrated is so important to your health, the dangers of not getting enough water, and what Stacy Papakostas suggests to incorporate drinking water into your healthy lifestyle.

At NYC Adventure Boot Camp we are big on the three C’s- COMMITMENT, CONTROL & CONSISTENCY! Make the first step and Commit and we will gladly guide you through the rest. Whatever your health and fitness concerns are, I am confident that I can help you achieve your goals! If you are interested in speaking with Stacy Papakostas, please sign up for a free consultation. We can discuss your goals and see if we are a good match. What are you waiting for?

Why we need water.
Our bodies are nearly two-thirds water; it’s in our blood, muscles, brains and even bones. This water plays a very important part of keeping our bodies healthy. It helps the body absorb nutrients and vitamins, helps digestion, detoxifies the liver and kidneys, carries away waste, helps the blood circulate, and many other important jobs. But the level of water in our bodies doesn’t stay the same; we lose water through urination, sweating, and even respiration. At NYC Adventure Boot Camp, Stacy stresses that this is why it is so important to replace the water that we’ve lost.

Dangerous dehydration
Many of us wait until we’re thirsty to start drinking water, but our bodies are dehydrated long before we have the sensation of thirst. We all need to replenish the water level of our bodies over the course of the day, and this is especially important the more active we are. If we’re not drinking enough water, we can experience signs of mild dehydration like joint, muscle, or lower back pain, headaches or constipation. Another clue that you’re not getting enough water is urine that is yellow or amber in color accompanied by a strong odor. Because water helps keep the blood flowing smoothly, the blood can actually become thicker without enough water, leaving us feeling tired. These problems can only get worse over time and can cause complications with the liver and kidneys.

How to get enough water
Stacy suggests that the best way to estimate the amount of water you should drink over the course of a day is to divide your body weight in pounds in half. This number is how many ounces of water you should be drinking in a day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should be consuming 75 ounces of water a day. You can count on about twenty percent of your water intake to come from your food, so that leaves sixty ounces of water, or around eight glasses of water a day.

We understand that it can be difficult in the beginning to get used to drinking eight glasses of water a day if you haven’t been following this rule, but you can get your water from a variety of sources. Although the caffeine in your morning coffee is a diuretic, which can leave your body feeling like it has consumed more water than it has, your body has likely compensated for this daily dose of caffeine.

Just don’t make the mistake of replacing your entire water intake with coffee! You can also get your water from fruit or vegetable juices (as long as the juice indicates that it is 100 percent natural and not loaded up with sugar!) or flavored or sports drinks, as long as you keep an eye on the extra calorie intake. You can also get in the habit of carrying a small bottle of water with you on the go.

One other note on how much water you drink – there is such a thing as drinking too much water! Never attempt to drink all of your daily water intake in one sitting, and don’t try to overcompensate when you feel you need to catch up. Drinking too much water can result in a disorder called hyponatremia, which literally means “low sodium.” This can happen when too much water is consumed, which in turn overwhelms the kidneys that can’t process the water fast enough, forcing the sodium levels to drop. This can lead to seizures and even death. If you are interested in getting healthy contact Stacy Papakostas at NYC Adventure Boot Camp at phone number 917-822-3440.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Preventing Disease

"We’ve yet to find a disease where exercise isn’t helpful,” says Miriam Nelson, P.H.D. from Tufts University. Thanks to advances in medical research, we know now that following a healthy diet and fitness routine can not only slow the effects of disease, but can also help prevent their ever developing. Exercise can help with many of the most common diseases found in America today, from diabetes to chronic illnesses. In this article, we’ll take a look at how a Manhattan fitness trainer can help you lead a healthy lifestyle and prevent disease to ensure a long and healthy life.

At NYC Adventure Boot Camp we are big on the three C’s- COMMITMENT, CONTROL & CONSISTENCY! Make the first step and Commit and we will gladly guide you through the rest. Whatever your health and fitness concerns are, we are confident that we can help you achieve your goals! If you are interested in speaking with a personal trainer, please visit our website for more information and for a free consultation. We can discuss your goals and see if we are a good match. What are you waiting for? If you prefer you can contact us by phone (212) 426-4871.

Exercising as we age
Two major health concerns as we age are heart disease and osteoporosis. Both of these diseases can greatly reduce the quality of life as we age and can even lead to death. Thanks to advances in the medical field, we know today that the risk of developing these diseases can be greatly reduced only by leading an active lifestyle and even their progress can be slowed down. Researchers have discovered that exercise helps the heart in lots of different ways. It strengthens the heart – it is a muscle, after all; increases good cholesterol, or HDL's; decreases bad cholesterol, or LDL's; helps the heart work more efficiently; the list goes on. Even better is that a Manhattan fitness trainer can help you safely and effectively workout your heart to prevent disease and improve your quality of life!

Osteoporosis affects nearly ten million Americans, of which at least eight million are women, while tens of millions of Americans are at risk to develop this disease. Literally meaning “porous bones,” osteoporosis is a disease in which the bones become brittle and easily fractured. But just like with the heart, exercise can help improve the density of the bones, making them strong and resistant to fractures. Women of all ages are encouraged to include calcium in their diets and to exercise in order to keep the bone density strong, which will help prevent the disease from even developing.

Obesity and Diabetes
In America, obesity can now be seen as an epidemic. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, an estimated 61 percent of adults in America could be classified as obese in 1999, and the numbers have only climbed since then. The worst part is that obesity can only lead to literally dozens of other health issues, not the least of which is Type II Diabetes. Today, at least 17 million Americans are suffering from diabetes, but researchers are proving that exercise as well as diet can help control this disease, not to mention help prevent it. A Manhattan fitness trainer can help you lose weight and help you improve blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure and even increase insulin sensitivity.

Getting on the Right Path
Knowing that you want to improve your lifestyle in order to lead a longer, healthier life is a great first step, but many of us don’t know what to do next. Working with a Manhattan fitness trainer is a perfect option for those that want to create a balanced fitness routine to help reach their goals, whether they are to lose weight, increase bone density or make their hearts healthier. Not only will a Manhattan fitness trainer give you a full assessment and take into account any medical concerns you have at the beginning, but will be there with you every step of the way to make sure you are working out safely and efficiently towards your goal.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Top 5 Side Effects of Exercise

Your doctor feels like a broken record.

That's right - he's sick and tired of telling you how important exercise is to your health because YOU DON'T LISTEN.

He's sick of explaining how so many of your health problems will improve or even disappear as the result of=2 0a consistent exercise program.

He's tired of tallying your controllable risk factors which include physical inactivity and obesity.

So why does he continue to give you the same lecture?

Because he's seen exercise change lives.

He's even seen exercise save lives.

A Doctor's Perspective

Dr. David Shilling MD has been a family doctor for over 30 years. In that time he's given a fair number of patients the exercise lecture...with good cause.
He's seen firsthand the healing power of exercise.

Exactly what kind of healing? Dr. Shilling shared the top 5 benefits that he's seen patients experience as a result of exercise...

1. Feel Great: The first thing that patients tell Dr. Shilling after starting an exercise program is how much better they feel. “People don't realize how bad they feel. They get used to feeling bad. Then when they start exercising they feel so much better.”

Your energy levels boost and you feel great.

2. Pain Be Gone: Next patients notice a reduction in aches and pains. Chronic muscle and joint pain that they've lived with for years begins to fade. For some, joint replacement surgery is postponed. For others, arthritis pain is reduced.

Your muscles and joints feel better than ever.

3. Goodbye Coronary Heart Disease: While patients can't feel this healing benefit of exercise, it is the one that saves lives. Exercise removes two of the major risk factors that lead to heart disease: 1) physical inactivity and 2) obesity. Exercise also increases your good cholesterol (HDL) and lowers your blood pressure.

Your risk of heart attack or stroke is reduced.

4. Goodbye Type 2 Diabetes: Patients with type 2 diabetes gain substantial benefits from exercise. Exercise improves the body's use of insulin, and the related weight loss improves insulin sensitivity. Of course patients with type 2 diabetes need to get guidelines from their doctor before starting an exercise program.

Your blood sugar levels are better controlled.

5. Goodbye Sleep Apnea: Patients with sleep apnea are often caught in a destructive cycle. Their weight promotes occurrences of apnea then inadequate sleep promotes weight gain. Dr. Shilling has seen exercise break this cycle.

Your sleep becomes restful and weight loss becomes easier.

With all of these benefits it's hard to see why anyone would avoid exercise. What's your excuse?
  • I know you're tired...exercise gives you energy.
  • I know you're in pain...exercise alleviates your muscle and joint pain.
  • I know you'd rather stay in bed...exercise makes your sleep more restful.
  • I know you're pressed for time...exercise improves your efficiency and extends your life.
  • I know you don't know where to start...that's where I come in.
Reply to this email or call me at 917-822-3440 and we'll schedule a consultation where I can show you the fastest and safest way to reap all of the benefits of exercise.

Then the next time you see your doctor he won't give you a lecture.

He'll congratulate you.
Visit :

Monday, April 20, 2009

Your Most Neglected Body Part

I can't figure out why, but people universally neglect to train their legs. It's a funny thing, since proper leg training will dramatically deliver total body results.

Walk into any gym and you'll see the bench press taken, the dumbbells being curled-and an empty squat rack in the corner.

Leg exercises are tough, I won't deny that, but the benefits are more than worth the exertion.

A Case for Your Legs

Your legs are a major muscle group, so it's no surprise that training them will get you big time results. Training your legs will... Melt fat from your body.

As I mentioned above, leg exercises are tough. Your legs are a large part of your body, so each exercise literally moves your whole body. This is precisely why a good leg workout will fire up your metabolism to melt fat away. You'll burn more calories while exercising your legs than any other body part. Due to the intense nature of a leg workout, your metabolism becomes elevated for more than 24 hours. That means that for an entire day your body continues to burn extra calories without any extra effort on your part. Who wouldn't love that?

Build strength for everyday life. How often do you use your legs? Most of us depend on our legs constantly throughout the day-so wouldn't it make sense to strengthen our individual mode of transportation? Kind of like putting a super charger on the engine of your car.

Exercising your legs isn't only about increased strength; you'll also improve your coordination and balance. This means that you'll be able to do and experience things that you otherwise would have missed. You only live once, right? Uncover natural muscle shape. Let's be honest, toned legs are attractive. I'm not saying that you're legs will bulge with muscles (unless we trained you for that), but I am saying that consistently training your legs will uncover your natural toned shape.

Many of my clients discover a whole new level of confidence after getting their legs back into shape. Women especially enjoy the freedom to wear shorts or a skirt without feeling embarrassed to show their legs. Wouldn't you love that freedom?

Oh, and I should tell you that as you strengthen your legs you'll also reduce the risk of injury to your lower back because you'll actually learn to pick things up off the ground the right way.

Best Leg Exercises
Now that I've convinced you to pay more attention to your legs, here are three of the top exercises you should do. Each of these exercises have dozens of different variations, so have fun and always keep your workouts fresh and challenging.

The Lunge: Start with your feet together, take a large step forward and bend your knees down into a lunge position. Exhale as you press yourself back up to a standing position, or continue through with your step into another lunge.

The Squat: Start with your feet shoulder width apart, inhale as you bend your knees, keeping your back straight. Be sure to keep your knees from going past your toes. Exhale as you push back up to a standing position.

The Dead Lift: Grip the barbell with a mixed grip (one palm faces you, one doesn't). Allow the barbell to hang down in front of you as you stand on the platform with your feet shoulder width apart. Lean forward at your waist, keeping your back flat, and bend your knees, bringing the bar down past them. Exhale as you straighten your legs and lift the bar up. When you are standing upright lean back slightly and squeeze the muscles of your lower back. Hold this contraction for a moment. Inhale and slowly return back down to the starting position.

By no stretch of the imagination are these three the ONLY leg exercises out available. And that's the other great thing about training your legs... you have tons of options and variations.
Want to know more about leg exercises and which ones are the best for you? Are you finally ready to get into the best shape of your life? Let me help.

Call: 917-822-2440 to inquire about getting in shape with Boot Camp or Fitness Boxing.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

FITNESS Grocery Shopping

Did you know that the grocery store is the source for most of your unwanted pounds?

Well, that and the fast food restaurants, but we'll leave that for another day. If you're like most people then your shopping trips aren't exactly organized. In fact, your grocery cart is likely to be more fat than fit.

The good news is that with a few small modifications to your routine you'll be able to turn your grocery shopping trip into an easy opportunity to slim down. I've broken down the process of healthy grocery store navigation with an easy-to-remember acronym - FITNESS.

Come, take a walk with me through your grocery store and we'll improve your shape and the shape of your family members.

F: First Veggies Your mom always told you that you had to eat your veggies before dessert-so this will be an easy one to remember. When you start shopping, first go to the produce section. The bulk of your shopping should take place here. Fresh vegetables, lettuce for salads, and fruits are the best things to eat when you want to look and feel great. Don't skimp on produce-aim to fill most of your cart here.

I: Is it Wheat? When it comes to bread you only need to ask yourself one question. Is it wheat? White bread products have been processed and filled with simple carbohydrates – these will easily stick to your body as fat. Wheat breads, on the other hand, contain more fiber and are much healthier. Make it a policy to never purchase white bread, wheat bread is the right choice even for the little members of your family. Always choose hearty wheat bread products-the more whole grain, the better.

T: Trim the Fat. In the meat section you are faced with a major decision. Do you go with your taste buds or do you go with your health conscious side? I urge you to stick with the latter. These days lean meats are more available than ever, and the benefits to going lean are numerous. When you choose lean meats you avoid extra saturated fat (your heart will thank you for this) and you also avoid the extra calories that come packed into each fat gram. Want to be lean? Then eat lean meats.

N: Never enter the Junk Food Aisle. Have a simple policy that has saved me from thousands of unnecessary calories. I don't walk down the junk food aisle. You and I both know that it is nearly impossible to walk past rows of chips, candies and cookies without putting something into the cart. The bright package is stamped with mouthwatering images will give your will power a run for its money. My two cents? Avoid that row altogether and save yourself from the whole ordeal. Nothing good ever came from walking down the junk food aisle-just say no.

E: Edge around the store. Here's a really easy trick for healthy shopping. Edge around the store, as in shop the perimeter and avoid the inner aisles. Think about it-the healthiest products are kept around the perimeter of the store: produce, meat, dairy. The inner aisles are where you run into trouble: processed food, baked goods, and sweets. Don't get me wrong, there are healthy products kept in the inner aisles too, but a majority of the items are waist-expander's.
Shop in a circle-stick to the perimeter of the store, do less shopping in the aisles.

S: Skinny Cow. The dairy section is filled with many healthy items; it is also filled with extremely high fat items. Your job is to pick out all those calcium-rich foods that you love in the low fat and non fat versions. I realize that many people have a prejudice against low milk or yogurt, simply because they've always eaten the full fat version. Making the switch to low fat is such a simple way to cut unnecessary fat and calories from your diet, while still getting all the benefits of dairy. Fat free dairy products are the way to go-you'll only lose unwanted pounds.

S: Stick with Water. Warning: mini lecture to follow. I'll make it short and sweet. Drink more water-period. Sodas, sugary juices and calorie-laden alcoholic beverages are responsible for a large number of unnecessary calories in your diet. Don't fill your cart with these sneaky calories. Keep them out of your kitchen and out of your life. Looking for a tasty beverage? Look no farther than crystal clear water.

There you have it-your FITNESS shopping plan that will take your cart from fat to fit. I suggest that you write down the FITNESS steps on a note card and take it to the store with you. Are you ready to take your body from fat to fit? I've got what it takes to get you there! No guess work, no fad diets, and no super long workouts.

Call 917-822-3440 or visit NYC Adventure Boot Camp today to learn more about my fitness and fat loss programs that will quickly change your life. Want to upgrade your FITNESS shopping trips? Here are 3 additional tips:

Don't go to the grocery store with an empty stomach. Your cart will mysteriously fill with extra, unnecessary foods that will end up crashing your good intentions.

Make a list before you go to the store. You'll be able to think rationally at home before you're surrounded by tasty, FITNESS destroying foods.

Plan out your meals for the week ahead of time, then shop specifically for those items. This will cut out the junk, and save you calories and money.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Weight Loss versus Fat Loss

When many of us are in pursuit of losing weight as a health and fitness goal, we often rely solely on the numbers of the scale to tell us how we are doing. Unfortunately, this is not always a healthy measure of success. Losing weight without a exercise regime can result in losing important muscle, which can have more dangerous effects in the long run. We will take a closer look at weight loss vs. fat loss, and what you can do to ensure that you’re losing weight in a healthy and safe way to make sure that you reach your Manhattan health and fitness goals.

Weight Loss Doesn’t Mean Fat Loss

When most of us say that we want to lose weight, what we really mean is that we want to reduce to amount of fat in our bodies to create a leaner silhouette. Most of us know that the fundamental principle of losing weight is that if we burn more calories than we consume, the result will be weight loss. But where is this weight coming from? Let’s take a closer look at how our bodies process the calories that we consume.

First, the body converts what we eat into energy, which in turn gives us the power to go about our daily lives. When we consume more calories than we burn, the resulting calories are converted into fat. On the other end of the scale, when we consume less calories than we burn, we lose weight but we also lose energy. Unfortunately, the weight loss doesn’t necessarily come from the fat, but the energy stores that are depleted are made up proteins and carbohydrates, which are found in muscles. This means that the muscles get smaller, the metabolism lowers, and once the body has adapted to the lower energy levels, the body will cease to continue losing weight.

The bottom line is that simply decreasing the amount of calories consumed may result in short term weight loss, but the weight won’t necessarily come from fat. Plus, if the calories are restricted too much, the body could even start storing fat as a preventative measure, because it doesn’t know when it will start receiving normal levels of calories again.

Getting Rid of Fat Instead of Muscle

So what’s the right procedure to get rid of the unwanted fat? The answer is simple – begin a nutrition and exercise program with NYC Adventure Boot Camp or Gemini Adventure Fitness. Your body still needs enough calories to keep your energy levels high, but you can eat a great deal more and keep your appetite satisfied with a healthy, balanced diet than you can with a diet full of junk or fast food. The other important factor is a balanced fitness routine comprising of both cardio and strength training. Both cardio and strength training are important for burning away fat and increasing muscle mass, not to mention increasing the metabolism.

Measure Your Body Fat

There are several ways of measuring your body fat, which is often a better gauge of your overall health than a scale. Calculate your Body Mass Index or have one of our health and fitness specialist calculate your body fat with a skin fold caliper or simply measure yourself with a tape measure and keep track of the results. The best way to gauge your body fat is to simply look in the mirror, take note of how your clothes fit, and most importantly, how you feel. Feeling great is really the best result of following a health and fitness program.

Call Stacy Papakostas at 917-822-3440 for a free consultation.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, not the typical fitness boot camp.

When you ask what NYC Adventure Boot Camp has to offer, the answer is we offer just about everything in terms of exercises. The fitness programs focus on total body conditioning and not just on specific body sections. You may find yourself jumping, running, dashing, walking, hiking or pushing for fitness. In other words, a typical fitness boot camp is not typical at all.

Here at NYC Adventure Fitness we are big on the three C’s- COMMITMENT, CONTROL & CONSISTENCY! Make the first step and Commit and we will gladly guide you through the rest. Whatever your health and fitness concerns are, we are confident that we can help you achieve your goals! If you are interested in speaking with a personal trainer, please sign up for a free consultation. We can discuss your goals and see if we are a good match. What are you waiting for?

The unique quality of NYC Adventure Boot Camp is best defined by the expansive variety of exercises you'll complete during your 4 week boot camp. Each time you attend a session you'll find two things. First, you'll find a certified personal instructor who's qualified to teach intensive exercise programs.

Second, you'll find plenty of surprises at boot camps NYC Adventure Boot Camp. Participants love the fact they don't know exactly what they'll be doing from one session to the next. You may find yourself jumping rope one day and completing an obstacle course the next. Each session will involve a set of exercises that make your body work hard as you seek a higher level of fitness.
There's absolutely no time to get bored at boot camps NYC Adventure Boot Camp. If you've struggled to stay interested through a set of repetitions on fitness center equipment, you know that boredom is anathema to a good conditioning program. You have to stay mentally focused on your body in order to achieve the maximum results.

That's why instructors will say, "concentrate on your biceps", while doing curls with hand weights. Now think about focusing on pushing your body's muscles to do a varying round of exercises that include cardio and strength training. Your program will involve a varying class schedule that builds core stability, improves body functioning, enhances endurance, improves form, and expands cardio capacity.

Boot camp also incorporates a variety of exercise programs within the overall plan. For example, you will do some aerobic training, pilates exercises, a PAR course and short distance running. The glory of such a program is that no muscle in your body is left untouched so to speak. That's how such stunning results can be seen in just a few weeks.

Your fitness instructor is an expert who knows how to inspire people to reach for their fitness goals. The program is an adventure in exercise that produces outstanding results in a relatively short period of time. Your instructor makes sure you never remain on a plateau, because if you do, a new round of exercises will propel you to the next level of productivity.

Fitness boot camps have proven to be a good idea whose time has come. Many of the programs are offered in the early morning too so you can attend before going to work. Research has shown exercise to be a major factor in improving mental acuity, so you get both physical and mental benefits when you participate in an accelerated exercise program.

If you've had a hard time starting an exercise program, or are just plain bored with the one you are doing, then boot camps NYC offer alternatives perfect for your situation. You'll find yourself jumping for fitness and then jumping for joy.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy with the body you have...

Just as some people have to come to terms with the fact that they’ll always be of short stature, a lot of us also have to come to terms with the fact that we’ll never be a size zero. We all are in the same boat! Setting unrealistic goals in our fitness or diet routines can not only set us up for failure, but also a lack of self confidence and even depression. Even before starting on the path to a healthier life, it’s helpful to get focused on what you can achieve with the body you have. In this article, we’ll explore the pitfalls of comparing yourself to others, celebrity culture, and how you can get on the right track to making the most of what you have.

Here at NYC Adventure Boot Camp we are big on the three C’s- COMMITMENT, CONTROL & CONSISTENCY! Make the first step and Commit and we will gladly guide you through the rest. Whatever your health and fitness concerns are, we are confident that we can help you achieve your goals! If you are interested in speaking with a personal trainer, please sign up for a free consultation. We can discuss your goals and see if we are a good match. What are you waiting for?

Comparing Yourself to Others

It seems like it’s almost ingrained in women to compare ourselves with each other, whether it is with our friends, co-workers, or even strangers. We can always find something to admire in other women, whether it be their hair or waist size. The problem is that we don’t often take time to sit down in front of a mirror and discover what it is we like about ourselves. Sure, we know what we want to change, but when do we ever take the time to complement ourselves?

The most important thing to remember is that every body is different. Sure, there are plenty of women that are naturally thin, and others that have to fight tooth and nail to retain their size. Don’t get caught in the trap of focusing your energies on anyone’s body but your own. Manhattan fitness trainers can help motivate and support you, and most importantly, help you recognize your strength and improve your health! Nothing is more important than ones health!

Celebrity Culture

Celebrities are everywhere these days – of course we expect to see them in movies or on music channels, but now they’re on the covers of women’s magazines, starring in commercials, and don’t forget the thousands of internet pages dedicated to favorite stars. It’s hard not to admire them for what seems like a fantasy lifestyle, and on top of that, they often seem to be absolutely perfect.

Just like comparing yourself to your friends and others, comparing yourself to celebrities is a dangerous trap, and there are three reasons why. First of all, it truly takes a team to make a celebrity look good on the red carpet. Wardrobe consultants and hair and makeup assistants all work together to make the celebrity look her best. Second of all, it’s true that many celebrities work very hard to maintain their figures, but a lot more than we could ever have time for, sometimes as often as two or three hours a day. It’s a part of their job to look the best they can, so they can afford to take the time. Finally, there is a not so secret weapon that magazines use to make celebrities look their best – the air brush. This tool is used very often to manipulate pictures of celebrities for the cover of magazines to make them look perfect, when the reality is quite different. Do yourself a favor and keep these reasons in mind the next time you admire a celebrity on the cover of a magazine!

What Can You Do?

It’s all very well and good to say that we need to focus on our own bodies when setting out to achieve a fitness goal, but sometimes it’s beneficial to have a second opinion, and that’s where NYC Adventure Boot Camp can come in handy. A personal trainer can use his experience and training to do a full assessment of your body and help steer you towards a goal that will have you looking and feeling your best. Remember, our fitness trainers can help motivate and support you, and most importantly, help you recognize your strength and beauty!

Contact Stacy Papakostas at 917-822-3440 for a free consultation and visit our website for more information and upcoming camp schedules.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How Stress Influences Your Health and Fitness in Manhattan

An Expert in Health and Fitness in Manhattan Reports!

Work, money, family, the future – there are plenty of things that we stress about. It isn’t just worries or bad things happening that cause stress, but any sort of change, from getting a promotion at work to planning a wedding, that put stress on your body. Stress can come from emotional or physical changes, illness, drastic changes in the environment, and pushing your body too hard. Eventually, stress can have a negative impact on your mental and physical health. In this article, we’ll take a look at how stress can affect your health and why fitness in Manhattan is a great method to help you relieve some of that stress.

Here at NYC Adventure Boot Camp we are big on the three C’s- COMMITMENT, CONTROL & CONSISTENCY! Make the first step and Commit and we will gladly guide you through the rest. Whatever your health and fitness concerns are, we are confident that we can help you achieve your goals! If you are interested in a free consultation or just speaking with a personal trainer, please visit our website at We can discuss your goals and see if we are a good match. What are you waiting for?

What stress does to the body

Our bodies react to stress in a variety of ways, including fatigue, headaches or other aches and pains, insomnia and other emotional disorders like anxiety or depression. Others might experience gastrointestinal problems like ulcers, cramps or irritable bowel syndrome. Stress can also play a part in cardiovascular health, prompting high blood pressure, heart palpitations, hearts attacks or strokes.

Stress can also adversely affect women and the health of their reproductive systems. Women under stress may experience an absence of a menstrual cycle or abnormal menstrual bleeding. The hormone imbalance that stress creates escalated symptoms of fibroid tumors or endometriosis. Stress can even make getting pregnant difficult for those couples experiencing problems with infertility.

Another way that stress can affect people of both genders is that it quite frequently opens the door to illness. Too much stress can cause our immune systems to falter, making us more susceptible to catching colds or the flu. Stress can even have a negative impact on our skin, causing itchy skin, hives or rashes.

Why exercise can help

While exercise has the obvious benefits of improving overall health and helping you live longer, it can also greatly reduce the amount of stress your body is under. Fitness in Manhattan helps relax tense muscles and promotes better sleeping patterns, plus a wide range of benefits that aren’t so obvious. Exercise promotes better blood flow, including in the brain, which can help combat that feeling of having your head stuffed with cotton.

It also releases endorphins that can provide a happy, healthy feeling after a good work out. There is a lot of evidence that people that work out on a regular basis and are in good health are better able to handle the long term affects of stress. Stress will always be a part of our lives, but combating it with fitness in Manhattan can certainly help minimize the negative effects.

Get help in the fight against stress

Getting on the right path to better fitness in Manhattan can be difficult and confusing in the beginning, and you may not see the beneficial effects right away, so it’s easy to quit. Consulting an expert in health and fitness in Manhattan is a great way to get going and keep you motivated. Not only can a personal trainer assess your present health and design a work out routine to help you combat stress, but he’ll also be there every step of the way to encourage you.

Contact: Stacy Papakostas at (212) 426-4871 and visit our website for more information.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Blame Game

Whose fault is it that you are out of shape?

The big diet companies think that if they put the blame on you, then you wouldn't buy their bogus pills. So they put the blame on your cortisol levels, your modern diet (ie fast food), or your busy schedule instead of where it belongs - which is squarely on your shoulders.

Sure, you have obstacles that get in your way - your schedule, your job, your kids, the weather, your knee injury from college...but ultimately you have the body that you accept.

I'm going to repeat that so it will really sink in.

You have the body that you accept.

Embracing the blame for your current weight is not a bad thing - it's empowering. Think about it. If it really wasn't your fault, if it really was due to a long list of variables that you have zero control over, then you'd be stuck. You'd have no way to change.

The Secret Behind 'Before and After' Pictures

Allow me to pull back the curtain for you on something that the diet industry doesn't want you to know. You've seen countless before and after pictures documenting weight loss as a result of a diet product. Well, there is more involved than just the diet product, and it's the same across the board.

Look into the eyes of any person in their before picture and you'll see that they are disturbed. The body they have is no longer in sync with the body they can accept.

They changed the body that they accept.

Now look into their eyes in the after picture - see the sweet satisfaction? They now own the body that they decided they could accept. And what a great feeling that is.

Your Time To Transform

Whether you realize it or not, you already posses everything you need to transform your body, but it all starts with taking responsibility for the body that you have today. You have your current body because until this moment you've been OK with it.

Oh sure, you aren't thrilled with it, and you even talk about losing weight and getting fit, but you haven't changed what you'll accept. Here's how to transform your body in 3 steps:

Step One: Get Disturbed

You've heard it said that emotion creates motion. This is essential when it comes to losing weight. Just like those folks in the before pictures, to transform your body you must first decide that you can't live another day in the body you currently have.

It's time to get your emotions stirred up. Make a list of all the reasons that you must lose weight and get fit. Get disturbed!

Step Two: Get Focused

Without clarity it's very hard to get where you want to go. Now that you're disturbed with the body you have, it's time to decide what the body you can accept looks like.

I want you to think in concrete and specific terms. Just like the captions under those before and after pictures - "Suzy lost 25 lbs", "Janet lost 8 inches from his waist", "Jenny went from a size 18 to a size 6" .

Get a clear picture in your mind of what you'll look like in your after picture and visualize what the caption will read.

Step Three: Get Moving

The time spent between your inspiration (now) and your action determines whether you will succeed or fail. Don't allow yourself to get stuck between inspiration and action - there is always something that you ca n do right now.

Don't you agree that you'll be happier living life in a fit, healthy and attractive body, rather than the body you have today? Of course you'll be happier.

I've helped scores of clients just like you finally lose their unwanted weight.

I am here to take you from your before picture to your after picture, however, you need to bring something to the table - you need to make up your mind about what you'll accept of yourself.

What will you accept?

Please call 917-822-3440 for more information and Visit

So you don't want to commit to our 4 week long program? Not a problem! Come join us for only $30 a session! Personal trainers charge anywhere from $60 to $200 an hour for a session. Get the fitness attention you've been longing for, get in shape, and meet some wonderful people at NYC Adventure Boot Camp for Women!!! Call 917.822.3440 or send an email to NO COMMITMENT NECESSARY!!! But I guarantee you will come back for more!!!

I also offer a boxing boot camp, please visit:

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Why Aren’t You Motivated?

A good dose of motivation can change your life almost overnight.

The best part of my job is seeing clients achieve amazing results. Whether they drop a few sizes, lose the baby weight, get off their blood pressure meds, or shrink their waist the excitement is always contagious.

There really isn't a clear way to describe the euphoria that settles in once you've realized your fitness goal. You have to experience it.

Though each successful client is unique with different goals one element unites them.

They are all highly motivated.

You see, I am in a unique position. I know how to get you (or anyone else who walks through my door) into great shape. I can coach you through a 50 pound weight loss. I can guide you to a healthier body. I can even train you into a toned athlete.

But there is one catch.

You'll need to be motivated.

See, saying that you want to get into great shape isn't enough. You need motivation-and that's just half of the equation. The other part (and the most important) is ACTION.

Nothing happens until you take action.

You can want it, think about it, mull it over, ponder it, plan it, and then re-plan it. But nothing happens until you take action.

While I may not know your story-it's probably safe to assume that you are dissatisfied with your body and know that you can improve your fitness level. You want to look better, to have more energy, to experience fewer aches and pains, and to enjoy sweet satisfaction as you achieve your goals once and for all.

I know that all of my successful clients were once in your shoes. They wanted to change their bodies. They felt urgency. And then they did what most fail to do. They took action and contacted me.

But there is more to it than that. They then committed to a program, put in the exercise, stuck to their diet and met their goals. There's nothing more gratifying than getting back into those jeans that now sit in the back of your closet.

Those that take massive action get massive rewards. And those that simply talk about losing weight will continue to put weight on, pound after pound. I hate to put that way, but it's the truth.

So what do you want?

To drop 20 pounds

To feel younger

To look better in your birthday suit

How bad do you want it? How much motivation do you have? Enough to take MASSIVE ACTION?

The rewards are great IF you do.

Contact Stacy Papakostas at (212) 426-4871 and please visit our website:
